
Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Rants and Rallies

Hi guys! So, in my last rant, I mentioned I was going to Wembley Stadium for the NFL game between San Francisco 49er's and Denver Broncos. I didn’t get to go in the stadium as the event wasn’t actually policed,
we were just there to make sure that the crowd got to the station  without any problems. I'm told by the fans that went, it was a pretty good game, that was won by the 49'ers (apparently they had not won a game all season) so this victory was indeed a welcome one. The final score was 24-16 to San Francisco

In other news, I decided against the mini. I'm not going on holiday instead, I will be getting car, I am just back to being undecided as to what exactly. I have been leaning towards Vauxhall or a Peugeot, simply because my first car was a Peugeot (a 205 GTi) which ended up in an accident.

In other news, this past week has been quite eventful. There was a huge student protest rally against increased university fees. Although I totally agree with the cause, I didn’t take part in the march. My reasons were justified later in the day when a group of "students" clashed with police as violence flared. Everyone should have the right to protest peacefully but there is no need for the violence that ensued. As a student and a serving officer in the Metropolitan Police, I feel ashamed that the following day, November 11th, Rememberance Day, newspaper frontpages were dominated not with images of rememberance of those who lost their lives in the wars of the 20th Century, but by images of the mindless and unnecessary violence brought about by so-called students. Perhaps they need to be reminded that if it wasn’t for those people, they would not today have the right to protest against the administration.

Anyways, speaking of Rememberance Day, I got to go to Whitehall in London on Sunday for the Rememberance Day Parade. I was posted opposite the Cenotaph and I think I was even briefly on TV before the ceremony began on BBC1. There was a lot of waiting around for me as we were there pretty much for crowd control. I was slightly disappointed at the fact that I didn’t get to see the Queen. She was literally only 10 feet away from me, but I had keep my attention on the crowd. I suppose it’s the only downside of being a police officer, I will never get to actually see the monarch in person.

In closing today,I would like to end with a quote from Sir Winston Churchill.
"Yes madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly!"  

Till next time …

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