Open Day this past Saturday. I was at the Avery Hill Campus this time. A change from Greenwich. I actually enjoyed it cos I didn’t have to stand outside in the cold. I spent most of the day on reception greeting the potential students. I did manage to scare a few people into thinking that they were too late (at 11am) or had come on the wrong day. I was able to have a laugh with them so it was ok. Quite a lot of people turned up despite the predictions of snow on the weekend. It did however snow on Tuesday!

Speaking of snow, my facebook newsfeed over the weekend was dominated by people demanding to know where the snow was. What I don’t get, is that these same people who want the snow are the same people that will complain about the aftermath of the snow which they so emphatically demanded. I am expecting these complaints to made public at some point in the next week as this snow turns to slush ... That’s going to be a rant for next week! But what I don’t understand is how come this country comes to a complete standstill because of a bit of snow?? It’s not that bad. It’s actually worse in other countries. And they manage to deal with it. It’s not like no one knew it was going to snow. Everyone knew. The weather people said it ages ago. So why are people surprised?? It’s not like Michael Fish was doing the weather. For those who don’t know who Michael Fish is, see this link: I wonder, am I showing my age??

In other news, I was at the Arsenal vs. Wigan Carling Cup game last night. Well, actually I was doing crowd control at Finsbury Park Station. Not an easy job. There was only me and one other officer there for most of the time, till the horses turned up. Then it became a LOT easier. We just let them deal with the crowd. I am amazed that just two horses could hold up 10,000 people.
Something I noticed in the supermarket the other day ... there’s these plug-in air fresheners, that have a number of fragrance ‘settings’ like Lavender or Vanilla. I found one that had the actual fragrance “Open Window” what’s that all about?? If I want the “open Window” fragrance, I will open the bloody window!! Why would someone pay for that??
Finally, what’s up with the news people?? On the radio this morning I heard a news story, about the Queen. Apparently she and her husband King Phil went to the movies last night and watched the new Narnia film. That’s not what I am bothered about. What gets to me is that the fact that they wore 3D glasses to see the film made headlines!! WTF?!?
(The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the University of Greenwich - Ed.)
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