
Friday, 24 December 2010

Last one this year...

Firstly, I just want to say, I am quite proud of myself for having achieved controversial status. At the end of my last post, I managed to get a disclaimer stating the views were my own and not of the university.
Also, I am shocked that Nicola (who sits next to me) has actually been doing homework this past couple hours and was making progress, but has stopped to look at her picture book.  (‘Look’ Magazine Christmas special). She says she actually paid for this one ... she stole the previous one (from her coffee table) and made excuses when I confronted her.  She said I can’t read it cos it doesn’t have any articles, just pictures. Seems kinda obvious, considering its called “Look” not “Read”) She is reading this blog as I write and keeps laughing. I am not being funny! She continues to laugh.
Christmas eve, and here I am at work, writing my last blog of the year. In fact I have been at work every day this week, be that at the Enquiry Unit or in my other job.  Anyhow, the end of the year draws near ... next week in fact. It’s been quite a year, a lot has happened. This time last year I was still in my 20’s waiting to hear from the Metropolitan Police about my application, I had just gone back to university after ten years and had no idea what the year ahead would bring.
I began the New Year with a major facebook cull. I sent everyone on my friend list a “happy new year” message, and those who didn’t reply, got deleted. Might seem a bit harsh, but I don't really care. So did all those who I never spoke to or never spoke to me in school but decided they wanted to be ‘friends’ now. They too were deleted. I don’t want to be just another number in the millions of facebook friends that people accumulate these days. This brought my total number down from 145 to 28. And I feel like a great weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I did the same with my contact list on my phone. Chopped that down to 30. I never speak to these people so not having my facebook wall filled with their pointless crap was a welcome change.
2010 was a pretty good year for me overall I think. In February, my sister’s boyfriend proposed to her, and they married in August. I am happy cos she finally left. We had a whole load of family come over from India and the US and it was a really good time.
In March, I finally joined the Met, currently working in a North London borough.  I am loving that job so much I am willing to do it for free. Hopefully soon, I would be actually getting paid for it. It’s a really interesting job with no two days being anywhere near even remotely alike (except if you get stuck on a crime scene ... and I’ve had my fair share of them).
In June, Thirteen years of a Labour government finally came to an end, and a new era of the coalition government began. Promises were made, most of them broken, culminating in a “peaceful protest” which resulted in a students rioting over increased university fees. A group of so called ‘students’ even set fire to the Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square.
November and December saw the usual bad weather conditions, which as usual brought the country to a complete standstill; I don’t understand how that happens ... every year. There are countries where snow falls much more than here, and life still goes on. What’s up with the government? Why can’t they get their act together and sort out a bit of extra salt and grit the roads early.

This year, we also learned the outcome of our bid to host the 2018 FIFA World Cup. We got two votes, one of which was our own. Russia will be hosting that tournament. Prince William looks pleased with that decision.
Anyway, it’s time now to say goodbye for the year, I was going to have a real big rant about something but actually forgot what it was about, so couldn’t have been that big a deal, but I am sure I will remember soon enough. I look forward to venting in 2011. In the meantime, just want to wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Great New Year

Ps. Nicola has kindly reminded me that I am mean for having not made her cheesecake that I promised I would. My excuse is I got home at 4 am and didn’t have enough time. Apparently that’s not good enough. I will bring her one first day back at work in the New Year. Apparently I need to PROMISE, so Nicola, I PROMISE I will bring your cheesecake first day back in January.
She approves of this.
Pps.  And another cheesecake for Uzma J

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