So, been a while since I last wrote one of these. Since then a fair bit has happened but I will keep this one short for now...
First of all, Valentines Day. I am not a fan of this day. It actually bugs me. I don’t understand what it is about this day that makes women expect so much. It doesn’t matter if you tell them that you love them all year round, but if you don’t on this day then all hell breaks loose! I wasn’t too keen on seeing all the lovey dovey couples on the platform at Canary Wharf station all in each others faces either. I’m no prude, but please do what you gotta do in the privacy of your own home. Not in public when I’m trying to get home
Anyways, having had that rant, I is feeling so much better. In the run up to Christmas last year, I was hoping to perhaps go to America for either Thanksgiving or for Christmas. In the end I didn’t go because I decided that I actually wanted to
buy a car instead. Well that turned out to be a dead end, I didn’t get to go away, and I didn’t get my car. After this run of events, I decided that I am going to America anyways now. So spring break (Easter holiday) will be spent in the warm climate of Northern California in sunny San Francisco. This trip is doubly exciting as I inquired about the possibility of spending some time with their police department. I got permission from my higher-ups in North London, and also have agreed with the San Francisco Police Department. So early April 2011 I will be patrolling the mean streets of San Francisco. Should be fun … interesting at very least and I am really looking forward to it.

In other news, The Cricket world cup is happening in India at the moment. I am generally torn between supporting England and India. Speaking of which, these two teams played one hell of a match that ended in a draw at some 330 runs each. I did feel cheated though as there should have been a winner. In this case, I think England played the better game. My prediction for the tournament final would be India vs Pakistan with India winning.
I am also looking forward to this year’s Formula 1 calendar. Hopefully I will be able to go to the Indian Grand Prix in October. My prediction there is a British 1-2 in the world championships. I don’t care whether its Button or Hamilton, as long as he is a Brit.
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